Please leave a review!
Reviews from customers like you make a huge difference in getting new customers to my shop
How a little review from you goes a long way
A very big part of placing an order with a new shop is being confident that you'll receive whatever you're ordering, and that whatever you're ordering is a good product. It's all about trust, really.
Reading reviews of a shop from happy customers gives new shoppers a little of the confidence they need to make a purchase. This is especially true for little shops like mine that have very little exposure.
If you've bought one of my posters, or maybe received one as a gift, I would be very happy if you would leave an honest review of my shop with Google, TrustPilot or Facebook.
If you could post an image of your purchase and tag @roux_dk on Instagram, or even just leave a Like and a Comment on one of my posts, that would also be fantastic.
Either way, thank you very much for your patronage, and I hope my posters will make one or more of your walls a little brighter!
Jonas Lönborg / Renard Roux